4 Thoughtful Gifts For the Writer in Your Life
Looking for the perfect gift for a writer you love (or want to send a big hint to your significant other)? Check out this list!
How Writings Prompt Help You Write
Whether you’re a professional writer or someone who writes for yourself, writing prompts can help you get through a writing slump.
9 Ways to Use 31 Days of Erotic Fiction
Not sure what to do with your copy of 31 Days of Erotic Fiction? Here are nine different ways you can use your Erotic Fiction prompts!
5 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Started Writing
Writing takes so many forms, but I think many lessons are more universal than we know.
4 Tips to Overcome Your Writing Fears
Many writers let their fear stop them from telling their smutty stories. Here are a few tips to help you overcome that fear and get your story written!
The Benefits of Joining a Blog Community
Blogging, or any form of writing, is an act of one. You are alone with your thoughts, your words, and your preferred way to write. It’s easy to think you’re the only one thinking your obscene thoughts or telling those kinds of smutty stories. In fact, there’s an entire community of other sex bloggers and…
6 Top Writing Tips from Long-Time Sex Bloggers
Once you’ve got the blog, you need to actually write something. Here are some of our top tips to get started and keep going.
The Benefits of Writing Consistently
A consistent writing schedule will do more for your writing than feeling guilty about not writing every day. When you finally write consistently, you’ll start to see real benefits.